LCD Privacy Glass is an electrically activated, switchable glazing technology that instantly changes from transparent to frosted white, creating 100% privacy; with just the touch of a button.
When in the powered state, the panels are clear, allowing full view and daylight to pass through. When unpowered, the view is completely obscured.
LCD Privacy Glass or PRIVA-LITE, smartglass, intelligent glass, switchable glass is a laminated glass with a liquid crystal film (LCD) .
LCD Privacy Glass, PRIVA-LITE or LCD glass is a unique solution in space management by way of instantaneous control of opalescence (transparency and translucence) and dynamic retro projection of videos and images.
LCD Privacy Glass, PRIVA-LITE or LCD glass is a unique solution to space management. It allows for the instantaneous control of opalescence (transparent/translucence) and the dynamic retroprojection of images or videos.
Due to their easily interchangeable states, indoor partitions and outdoor glazed walls integrating LCD Privacy Glass, PRIVA-LITE or LCD glass solve problems linked to intimacy, confidentiality, structuring of space and security. They also offer communication solutions through the retro projection of images and videos. Potential applications include: homes, hotels, health, services, trade, transportation, signage, television, theater, publicity, art.
LCD Privacy Glass, PRIVA-LITE or LCD glass is well suited to conference rooms, partitions, hospitals, front entranceways, sidelites, bathrooms & windows and it is the only dynamic glazing product that allows openness and privacy to co-exist in a single environment.